Veiðileyfagjaldið 2013

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Þessi umræðuþráður hefur verið sjálkrafa búinn til vegna undirskriftarsöfnunar Veiðileyfagjaldið 2013.



2013-06-22 18:07

Ég styð lýðræðislega kjörna ríkisstjórn í að framfylgja fyrirfram yfirlýst um stefnumálum sínum.



2013-06-29 18:15

I am seventy and remember very well the time when Communities around the Country operated their own fishing vessels and Fishing fillet Fabrics on shore.
Sad to say they they were a burden on the Community as there always was a loss on the operation cost of the Company.
This changed when Private Companies took over the operation and responsibility was transferred from the Community authorities to Private Companies.
By changing it back to The Communities is increasing the risk of taking over responsibility of operation of the whole operation.
Jon H. Magnusson