Klárum dæmið

The old times are coming to an end, and "Europe" will be no more.

/ #82 Looking forward

2013-04-22 22:35

Judging from "guest's" punctuation, he hardly read a book in his life, and judging from his English, "guest" seems to be an Icelander. It does not surprise me that "guest" seems to think he makes his case stronger and more intelligent sounding by attempting to make it in English. This is typical of people who suffer from inferiority complex, a decise most victims of brainwashing have in common. Inferiority complex coupled with a strange Stockholm syndrome inherited from ancient times (all of Europe's royalty descends from Germany originally) is the usual cause of both slave mentality and that whore-like element an individual needs to be able to betray his consciousness and humanity falling for implausible slogans relating to currency and economy. Falling for the highest bidder is indeed the most common reason for both treason and treason against mankind, both of which Iceland would be committing by joining the EU. Doing so in times such as today, when the EU is falling at an accelerating rate, would also be showing the rest of the world the incredible stupidity of Iceland, and making evil people jump to the conclusion that such a nation is only fit for slavery. Don't become subjects of Germany. Have some pride!