Undirskriftasöfnun gegn samstarfi við spillta rússneska embættismenn og til að stöðva mannréttindabrot í Rússlandi

Á íslensku:

Við ríkisborgarar og íbúar Íslands biðjum Alþingi að endurskoða samskipti við og stefnu Íslands gagnvart Rússlandi. Við biðjum með fullri virðingu að öllum samningaviðræðum um samstarf og samvinnu verði hætt þar til ákaflega brýnum málum sem vísað eru til í neðangreindum köflum er leyst og markmiðum sem sett eru fram í neðangreindum liðum er náð:

1. Frelsun allra politískra fanga (óháð því hvort þeir fangar eru með rússneskt eða úkraínskt ríkisfang eða ríkisborgarar annarra landa). Samkvæmt heimildum  Memorial Mannréttindamiðstöðvar  eru yfir 400 manns nú ofsóttir í Rússlandi vegna pólitískra skoðana  eða trúarbragða sinna og meirihluti þeirra er í fangelsi. Meðal þeirra sem eru á lista Mannréttindamiðstöðvar yfir pólitíska fanga eru Alexei Navalny og viðmiðin sem notuð eru af Mannréttindamiðstöðinni eru byggð á PACE (Þingfundur Evrópuráðs) ályktun 1900 (2012). Hægt er að skoða lista Mannréttindamiðstöðvar fanga hér.

2. Afnám allra kúgunarlaga, þar með talin þau sem vísa til stöðu „erlends umboðsmanns“ að því er varðar bæði samtök og einstaklinga, svo og öll lög sem vísa til stöðu „óæskilegra samtaka“. Tilvist slíkra laga brýtur í bága við alþjóðlegar skuldbindingar Rússlands, þar á meðal þær sem stofnaðar voru fyrir Evrópuráðið. Feneyjanefnd Evrópuráðsins gerði tillögur um að afnema eða breyta þessum lögum árið 2021.

3. Stofna frjálst og sanngjarnt ríkisþing og skipuleggja sveitarstjórnarkosningar árið 2021 með inngöngu alþjóðlegra eftirlitsaðila og blaðamanna ásamt formlega viðurkenndum og óháðum rússneskum eftirlitsmönnum (þar með talið þeim sem eru hluti af Golos-hreyfingunni). Einnig verður að samþykkja þátttöku óháðra frambjóðenda, þar á meðal þá sem hafa verið ákærðir fyrir refsiverð brot eingöngu af pólitískum ástæðum.

Við viljum að nema rússneska ríkisstjórnin sýni fram á að hún sé sannarlega reiðubúin til að halda frjálsar og sanngjarnar kosningar, ætti að hætta hvers kyns samstarfi og þar sem slík stöðvun nær til samstarfs í efnahagslegum tilgangi.Við viljum  hvetja ykkur einnig að kanna málum tengdum  ESB og mistökum þeirra er varða refsiaðgerðir  gagnvart rússneskum embættismönnum, fyrirtækjum, samtökum og einstaklingum sem stunda viðskipti við Evrópulönd. Það er okkar einlæga ósk að koma á refsiaðgerðum og viðskiptabanni  gegn öllum aðilum sem taka beint eða óbeint þáttí mannréttindabrotum í Rússlandi og/eða brotum gegn alþjóðlegum skuldbindingum Rússlands, einnig  þeim sem Rússum er skylt að fylgja sem aðildarríki ÖSE og Evrópuráðsins.  Vladimir Ashurkov, framkvæmdastjóri “Samtaks gegn spillingu” sem Alexei Navalny stjórnar, bjó til lista yfir slíka einstaklinga og samtök í febrúar 2021. Þessi listi inniheldur nöfn 35 Rússa sem að einu eða öðru leyti og á ýmsan hátt bera ábyrgð fyrir brot á stöðlum sem eru fest í alþjóðalögum í Rússlandi. Vinsamlegast skoðið meðfylgjandi skjal fyrir frekari upplýsingar.Ennfremur biðjum við í fullri virðingu, íslensku þjóðina að beita sér fyrir þremur eftirfarandi skrefum gagnvart Evrópuráðinu (CoE): 

1. Upptaka eigna. Persónulegar og efnahagslegar refsiaðgerðir sem voru lagðar á árin 2014-2020 skiluðu nokkrum árangri. Stækkun núverandi refsiaðgerða eru að okkar mati þó ófullnægjandi til að takast á við þær alvarlegu aðstæður sem nú eru í Rússlandi. Varaþingmaðurinn Jürgen Trittin frá Þýska Bundestag Þinginu , hefur vakið athygli á þeim möguleika að frysta eignir rússneskra auðjöfra sem eru á yfirráðasvæði Evrópusambandsins. Við teljum að núverandi ástand krefist sannarlega svo slíkra markvissra aðgerða. Margir auðjöfrar sem auðguðust mjög svo vegna persónulegrar vináttu við Pútín.eru ekki aðeins „veski Pútíns“, heldur eru þeir núna í polítíksum stöðum og taka þátt í pólítík í Kreml, sem er mjög óhugnanlegt og óeðlilegt. T.d. eignir sem tilheyra Ashurkov og er einn af þeim sem tilheyra þeim sem nefndur er hér að ofan og eru á yfirráðasvæði Íslands, ætti að frysta og hætta ætti öllum fjármálaviðskiptum innan Evrópu sem tengjast starfsemi þeirra sem sem tilheyra þessum hóp. 

2. Hefja rannsókn. Rússneska ríkið og yfirvöld hafa borið ábyrgð á fjölmörgum brotum á alþjóðalögum og -skuldbindingum, að kúga og þvinga einstaklinga og samtök, ásamt augljósum glæpsamlegum aðgerðum í langan tíma. Mál hafa verið lögð fyrir ÖSE og einnig fyrir Mannréttindadómstól Evrópu og ekki ætti lengur að líta framhjá þessari háttsemi af hálfu rússneska ríkisins.

3. Hætta að þvo rússneskt stolið fé í Evrópu. Frá árinu 2014 hefur Kreml búið til fjölmargar leiðir til að komast framhjá núverandi refsiaðgerðum og sumar þeirra komu fram í rannsókn OCCRP, „Operation Russian Laundromat“. Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á heimasíðu þeirra. Það ætti ekki að líta framhjá þessu ástandi lengur og ekki ætti að líta framhjá eignum Kreml í öðrum lögsögum. Úttekt Kreml-fjármagnsins til Singapúr, Katar, Kýpur og annarra aflandsreikninga ætti ekki að samþykkja sem hina venjubumdnu leið til að komast hjá viðurlögum næsta áratuginn. Nú er nauðsynlegt að treysta á sameinaðar ákvarðanir G7 þjóða, Bandaríkjana og Evrópusambandsins um að takast á við spilltar eignir Kreml, óháð því hvaða lögsögu þær falla undir. 

Í janúar 2011 fjallaði einn af andstæðingum Pútíns, Boris Nemtsov, frjálslyndur stjórnmálamaður sem var tekin af lífi vegna stjórnmálaskoðana hans, sagði opinberlega í fyrstur manna að það væri þörf á persónulegum refsiaðgerðum. Síðan þá hefur evrópska stefnan um „mjúka nálgun“ gagnvart Kreml ekki skilað neinni augljósri niðurstöðu.

Við erum viss um að harðari nálgun er nauðsynleg og að án þessa muni hið sama ógnvekjandi ástand vera viðvarandi um ókomna framtíð. Við erum meðvituð um að Ísland hefur sínar takmarkanir vegna þess að það er lítið ríki á alþjóðlegum vettvangi. En við vitum líka að Ísland hefur verið nógu hugrakkt til að standa upp og benda á mannréttindabrot, sérstaklega þau sem aðrar þjóðir hljóta að vita um en hafa ekki viljað tala um. Fólk um allan heim lítur á Ísland sem land sem lætur í sér heyra meira en stærð segir til um, þegar kemur að málum er varða frelsi og mannréttindi. Ályktun Sameinuðu þjóðanna um eflingu og vernd mannréttinda á Filippseyjum, sem frumkvæði var að og kynnt af Íslandi árið 2019, er nýlegt dæmi um styrk Íslands í þessum efnum. Í þessu tilfelli erum við að tala um brot í Rússlandi og það er munur þar á miðað við ofangreint ríki. Sem evrópskt ríki og náinn nágranni Íslands við norðurheimskautið, hefur samband verið milli ríkjanna í margar aldir og það þýðir að spilling og brot Rússa hafa bein áhrif á Ísland.


In English:

We, the citizens and residents of Iceland, ask Alþingi to reconsider Iceland’s relations with and policies towards Russia. We respectfully request that all negotiations of partnership and collaboration are ceased until the extremely urgent issues referenced below are resolved, and the goals set out in the points below are achieved:
1. The Release of all prisoners of conscience (regardless of whether those prisoners are of Russian or Ukrainian citizenship or the citizens of other countries). According to the Memorial Human Rights Centre, more than 400 people are currently being persecuted in Russia for their political or religious views, and the majority of them are held in prison. Those on the Memorial Human Rights Centre’s list of political prisoners includes Alexei Navalny, and the criteria used by the Memorial Human Rights Centre is based upon the PACE Resolution 1900 (2012). The Memorial Human Rights Centre’s list of prisoners can be viewed here.
2. The repeal of all repressive laws, including any that refer to the status of “foreign agent” in respect to both organizations and individuals, as well as any law which refers to the status of “undesirable organization”. The existence of such laws contradicts Russia’s international obligations, including those that were established before the Council of Europe. The Venice Commission of the CE made recommendations to abrogate or change these laws in 2021.
3. The establishment of a free and fair State Parliament and local government elections in 2021, with the admission of international observers and journalists, together with formally accredited and independent Russian observers (including those who are part of the Golos Movement). Independent candidates must also be admitted, including those who have been charged with criminal offences on political purely grounds. We believe that unless the Russian government demonstrates that it is truly prepared to hold free and fair elections, any collaboration should be suspended, with such suspension extending to collaboration for economic purposes.
We also urge you to examine the issue of the EU’s failure to efficiently and swiftly implement sanctions against Russian officials, corporations, organizations and individuals engaged in business. You are respectfully requested to seriously consider establishing sanctions against all parties who directly or indirectly contribute to human rights abuses in Russia and/or the violation of Russia’s international obligations, including those which Russia is obliged to abide by as a member of OSCE and the Council of Europe. The executive director of Alexey Navalny’s “Anti-Corruption Foundation”, Vladimir Ashurkov, created a list of such persons in February 2021. This list contains the names of 35 Russians who, to one degree or another and in various ways, are responsible for the violation of the standards enshrined within international law in Russia. Please see Complement 1 below for details.
Furthermore, we respectfully request the Icelandic nation to advocate the following three steps at the Council of Europe:
1. The seizure of assets. Personal and economic sanctions imposed in 2014-2020 delivered some results. However, an expansion of existing sanctions would, in our view, be insufficient to deal with the severe situation which currently exists in Russia. The Bundestag Deputy, Jürgen Trittin, has raised the possibility of freezing the assets of Russian oligarchs when these are within the territory of the European Union. We believe that the current situation does, indeed, require such targeted actions. Many billionaires who grew rich through their personal friendship with Putin can be found in the Russian political arena. Not only are they ‘Putin's wallets’, they are also, quite disturbingly, direct political participants in the Kremlin. Assets belonging to those who appear on Ashurkov’s above referred to list that exist within the territory of Iceland should be frozen, and all financial transactions within Europe related to the activities of those listed should be ceased.
2. Commence an investigation. The Russian state and its authorities have been responsible for numerous violations of international law and obligations, the suppression of individuals and organizations, and blatantly criminal actions over a long period of time. Cases have been submitted to OSCE and also to the European Court of Human Rights, and this kind of conduct on the part of the Russian state should no longer be ignored.
3. Cease the laundering of Russian stolen money in Europe. Since 2014, the Kremlin has created numerous tools to bypass existing sanctions, and some of these were revealed in OCCRP’s ‘Operation Russian Laundromat’ investigation. More information is available here. This situation should not be ignored any longer, and the Kremlin´s assets in other jurisdictions should not be overlooked. The withdrawal of the Kremlin funds to Singapore, Qatar, Cyprus, and other offshore accounts should not perpetuate as the everyday means of evading sanctions for the next decade. It is now essential that reliance is placed upon the consolidated decisions of G7 nations, the USA and the European Union to deal with the toxic assets of the Kremlin, regardless of which jurisdiction they fall under.
In January 2011, one of Putin's opponents, Boris Nemtsov, a liberal politician whose assassination was motivated by his political activities, publicly discussed the need for personal sanctions for the first time. Since then, the European policy of 'soft signals” towards the Kremlin has not produced any discernable result. We are certain a very different approach is necessary, and that without this the current appalling situation will persist for the foreseeable future.
We are aware that Iceland has constraints because it is a small state in the international area. However, we also know that Iceland has been brave enough to stand up and highlight human rights violations, especially ones that other nations must know about but have been reluctant to mention. People around the world see Iceland as a country which punches above its weight when it comes to the issues of justice and human rights. The UN resolution on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Philippines, which was initiated and promoted by Iceland in 2019, is a recent example of Iceland’s strength in this regard. We are talking about violations in Russia, and that is a big difference. As a European country and a close neighbor of Iceland, a relationship has existed over many centuries, and that means that Russian corruption and violations affect Iceland directly.
На русском:

Мы, граждане и резиденты Исландии, просим исландский парламент пересмотреть взгляды и политические решения Исландии в отношении России. Мы просим приостановить все переговоры о сотрудничестве и взаимодействии до тех пор, пока чрезвычайно важные вопросы не будут решены, а перечисленные ниже цели не будут достигнуты:

1. Освободить всех политических заключённых (независимо от того, являются ли эти заключенные гражданами России, Украины или других государств). Согласно правозащитному центру «Мемориал», более 400 человек в России были осуждены из-за своих политических или религиозных взглядов, большая часть из осужденных находится в тюрьмах. Список «Мемориала» включает в себя имя Алексея Навального, и был составлен согласно критериям резолюции ПАСЕ 1900 (2012). Список политзаключенных доступен для просмотра здесь.

2. Отменить все репрессивные законы, включая законы об «иностранных агентах» в отношении организаций и физических лиц, а также закона о статусе «нежелательной организации». Существование этих законов противоречит международным обязательствам России, включая обязательства члена Совета Европы. Венецианская Комиссия Совета Европы выпустила рекомендации об отмене этих законов в 2021 году.

3. Сделать парламентские и муниципальные выборы 2021 года честными и свободными, с допуском международных наблюдателей и журналистов, в том числе с официальной аккредитацией независимых наблюдателей (включая наблюдателей движения «Голос»). Независимые кандидаты должны быть допущены до выборов, включая тех, кто был осужден по статьям, имеющим политическую подоплёку.

Мы уверены, что до тех пор пока российское правительство не продемонстрирует, что готово проводить честные и свободные выборы, любое сотрудничество должно быть приостановлено, включая взаимодействие на экономическом уровне. Мы также просим парламент принять во внимание тот факт, что страны Евросоюза до сих пор не приняли эффективных мер в отношении российских официальных лиц, корпораций, организаций и бизнесменов. Мы просим парламент всерьез учесть возможность принятия санкций в отношении всех, кто прямо или косвенно спобоствовал нарушению прав человека в России и/или не выполнению международных обязательств России, включая обязательства РФ как члена ОБСЕ и Совета Европы. Исполнительный директор основанного Алексеем Навальным «Фонда по борьбе с коррупцией» Владимир Ашурков в феврале 2021 года собрал список таких лиц. Список включает в себя имена 35 россиян, которые в той или иной степени отвественны за нарушение стандартов в рамках международных обязательств России. Список на английском доступен в Приложении 1 ниже.

Более того, мы просим Исландию предпринять следующие шаги в рамках Совета Европы:

1. Объявить об аресте имущества. Персональные и экономические санкции, установленные в 2014-2020 годах, дали некоторые результаты. Однако, расширение существующих санкций, на наш взгляд, будет неэффективным, учитывая существующую ситуацию в России. Депутат Бундестага Юрген Триттин уже поднимал вопрос о возможном аресте имущества российских олигархов на территории Евросоюза. Мы уверены, что сегодняшняя ситуация действительно требует таких нацеленных действий. На российской политической сцене имеются миллиардеры, выросшие исключительно за счет личной дружбы с Путиным и они являются не только «кошельками Путина», но и прямо участвуют в политических спецоперациях Кремля. Активы таких людей, перечисленных в списке Ашуркова, на территории Исландии должны быть арестованы, а любые финансовые транзакции, связанные с их деятельностью в Европе должны быть остановлены.

2. Начать расследование. Российские власти ответственны за множественные нарушения международных законов и обязательств, репрессии в отношении физических лиц и организаций, и других противозаконных действий в течение долгого периода времени. Отчеты о нарушениях были переданы в ОБСЕ и Европейский суд по правам человека. Эти нарушения более не могут быть проигнорированы.

3. Остановить отмывание российских денег в Европе. За время действия режима санкций в 2014-2020 году, Кремль создал многочисленные инструменты обхода санкций. Некоторые из этих схем были показаны в рамках расследования OCCRP «Операция «Прачечная». Кремль создал многочисленные инструменты обхода санкций. На это дальше нельзя закрывать глаза. Вывод кремлевских средств в Сингапур, Катар, на Кипр, другие офшоры не может оставаться практикой обхода санкций на ближайшее десятилетие. Надо начать поиск консолидированного решения стран G7, Евросоюза, США в отношении токсичных российских активов во всех юрисдикциях.

В январе 2011 года Борис Немцов, позже убитый за политические высказывания, впервые заявил, что персональные санкции должны быть. С тех Европа неоднократно убеждалась в том, что попытки посылать «сигналы» Кремлю не приводят к результату. Мы уверены, что и не приведут. Мы считаем, что нужен другой подход, и что существующие меры не приведут ни к какому результату в обозримом будущем.    

Мы понимаем, что у Исландии, как небольшого государства, множество ограничений на международной арене. Однако, мы также знаем, что Исландия известна своей храбростью в публичной огласке нарушений прав человека, особенно тех, о которых другие страны предпочитают умалчивать. Исландия показала себя страной, которая выходит за рамки ограничений, когда дело касается защиты прав человека и справедливости. Недавний тому пример инициированная Исландией в 2019 году резолюция ООН о нарушении прав человека на Филиппинах. Однако в этот раз мы говорим о нарушении прав человека в России, и это совсем другое дело. Россия является европейской страной и близким соседом Исландии, отношения между ними существуют на протяжении многих веков. Это означает, что российская коррупция и нарушения закона в России влияют на Исландию напрямую.


Complement 1

Recommended List of Individuals for Sanctioning  

Priority Shortlist  

1. Roman Abramovich  

Billionaire businessman with a wide portfolio of holdings in Russia and globally, one of the key enablers and beneficiaries of the Kremlin’s kleptocracy, with significant ties to, and assets in the West.  

2. Denis Bortnikov  

Deputy President and Chairman of VTB Bank Management Board. He is the son of Alexander Bortnikov, FSB director and a key ally of Vladimir Putin, who acts as a “wallet” for his father’s ill-gotten gains to hide their true beneficiary and avoid existing sanctions.  

3. Andrey Kostin  

President and Chairman of the Management Board of state-owned VTB Bank, a key facilitator of corrupt money flows related to the operation of the Russian government and security services and the personal fortunes of many senior Russian officials.  

4. Mikhail Murashko  

Minister of Health, responsible for covering up Alexey Navalny's poisoning and hindering efforts to evacuate him to Germany for medical treatment.  

5. Dmitry Patrushev  

Minister of Agriculture. He is the son of Nikolai Patrushev, director of the Security Council of Russia and a key ally of Vladimir Putin’s, who acts as a “wallet” for his father’s ill-gotten gains to hide their true beneficiary and avoid existing sanctions.  

6. Igor Shuvalov  

Former First Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the State Development Corporation VEB.RF, with significant assets abroad. Shuvalov was instrumental in creating the system of state corruption, which has come to dominate the country’s institutions.  

7. Vladimir Solovyev  

A high-profile Russian state media personality, one of the primary mouthpieces of authoritarian propaganda, who has both defended and advocated the extrajudicial treatment of Alexey Navalny and other opposition figures. 

8. Alisher Usmanov  

Billionaire businessman with a wide portfolio of holdings in Russia and globally, and significant ties to the West, one of the key enablers and beneficiaries of the Kremlin’s kleptocracy.  

Persecution of Alexey Navalny  

9. Alexander Bastrykin  

Head of the Investigative Committee, the primary agency behind numerous fabricated and illegal cases against numerous journalists, activists and opposition figures.  

10. Alexander Bortnikov  

Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the main political police agency, responsible inter alia for the attempted poisoning of Alexey Navalny.  

11. Konstantin Ernst  

CEO of the state-owned Channel One TV station, a primary source of state propaganda vilifying civil society and opposition activities and encouraging extra-judicial repression.  

12. Victor Gavrilov  

Head of the Department of Transport of the Economic Security Service within the Federal Security Bureau (FSB). He was responsible for coordinating various agencies during the arrival of Alexey Navalny’s flight to Moscow, including its diversion to Sheremetyevo, where he was arrested.  

13. Dmitry Ivanov  

Head of Chelyabinsk FSB. Head of Tomsk FSB when Alexey Navalny was poisoned there by an FSB team.  

14. Alexander Kalashnikov  

Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), who has overseen continued human rights abuses in the penal system, and also engineered the illegal arrest of Alexey Navalny on his return to Moscow.  

15. Sergei Kirienko  

First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, with special responsibility for domestic politics, including efforts to prevent Alexey Navalny’s “smart voting” campaign and exclude opposition candidates.  

16. Elena Morozova  

Judge of Khimki District Court, who presided over the illegal, ad hoc court inside a local police station and sentenced Alexey Navalny to 30 days in prison without bail to allow for his further trial.  

17. Denis Popov  

Chief Prosecutor of Moscow, whose office has spearheaded a campaign against Navalny's team through investigations and the courts.

18. Margarita Simonyan  

Editor-in-Chief of state media network RT, a key mouthpiece of state propaganda abroad, who herself has boasted that RT is capable of “conducting an information war against the whole Western world”.  

19. Igor Yanchuk  

Head of the Khimki Police Department, responsible for Alexey Navalny’s arrest on his return to Russia and arranging his illegal, ad hoc trial in a local police station.  

20. Victor Zolotov  

Director of the National Guard, the agency primarily responsible for the violent suppression of opposition activity on the streets, and one of Putin’s most loyal supporters. Zolotov also challenged Navalny to a duel and threatened to “make mincemeat” of him.  

Wallets and Cronies  

21. Oleg Deripaska  

Billionaire businessman with a wide portfolio of holdings in Russia and globally, one of the key enablers and beneficiaries of the Kremlin's kleptocracy, with significant ties to, and assets in the West.  

22. Alexei Miller  

Chairman of the Management Committee of Gazprom, the state-controlled gas corporation, and a significant instrument of covert Russian influence abroad. Miller is one of the key enablers and beneficiaries of the Kremlin’s kleptocracy.  

23. Igor Sechin  

Chairman of the Management Board of Rosneft and close and long-term ally of Vladimir Putin. He is one of the key enablers and beneficiaries of the Kremlin’s kleptocracy and also the driving force behind policies such as support for the Maduro regime in Venezuela.  

24. Gennady Timchenko  

Billionaire businessman with a wide portfolio of holdings in Russia and globally, a close Putin ally and reported “wallet” of the president, with significant ties to and assets in the West.  

25. Nikolai Tokarev  

Chairman of Transneft, one of the enablers and beneficiaries of the Kremlin's kleptocracy, including the construction of Putin's palace in Gelendzhik.  

Abuse of Freedoms  

26. Alexander Beglov  

Governor of St Petersburg, close ally of Vladimir Putin's, whose corrupt activities were highlighted by a Navalny investigation, and 6of7who has since been supportive of measures to limit freedom of protest and assembly.  

27. Yuri Chaika  

Presidential representative to the Caucasus Region, but until 2020, Prosecutor General and responsible for the Kremlin’s sustained campaign of persecution of civil society.  

28. Andrei Kartapolov   Deputy Defence Minister and Chief of Main Directorate for Political-Military Affairs, responsible for using conscription as a means or persecuting activists, and reportedly involved in the downing of Malaysian airliner MH17 in 2014.  

29. Pavel Krasheninnikov  

Parliamentarian and former Justice Minister, Krasheninnikov personally drafted or supported numerous recent authoritarian laws, including a recent proposal that would make it even harder to prosecute former presidents on corruption charges.  

30. Mikhail Mishustin  

Prime Minister of Russia, and as such the chief executor of Vladimir Putin's policies.  

31. Ella Pamfilova  

Head of Central Electoral Commission, who has endorsed and legitimized the Kremlin’s unfree and unfair elections and consultative votes on a systematic basis.  

32. Dmitry Peskov  

Presidential Press Secretary, the primary spokesman for the Russian government, who has denied any illegal campaign against Navalny and, indeed, any Russian malign activities at home or abroad.  

33. Sergei Sobyanin  

Mayor of Moscow, and the primary executor of Russian government policy in the capital, including vote rigging and facilitating criminal activity through corrupt municipal projects.  

34. Anton Vaino  

Head of the Presidential Administration, arguably the most powerful institution in Russia and the primary coordinating body for the Kremlin’s policies at home and abroad.  

35. Andrey Vorobyev   Governor of the Moscow Region, whose corrupt activities Navalny has revealed.  

Persons listed above who are already on US sanctions lists  

Alexander Bastrykin

SDN –Magnitsky Act, 2017.  

Oleg Deripaska

SDN –Ukraine (EO13661, EO13662).  

Andrey Kostin

SDN –Ukraine (EO13661)

Alexei Miller

SDN –Ukraine (EO13661)

Igor Sechin

SDN –Ukraine (EO13661)

Gennady Timchenko

SDN –Ukraine (EO13661)

Victor Zolotov

SDN –Ukraine (EO1366)

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